Dr Santanu Sarkar
Qualification : M.A. in Social Work (PM&IR) (DAVV, Indore), Ph.D (DAVV, Indore)
Email : ssarkar@xlri.ac.in
Functional Area : Human Resource Management
Brief Profile
Experience Detail
Dr Santanu Sarkar
Achievements and Research Interest/Area of Research Interests
Academic Distinction (Awards and Scholarships)
2009 Eureca Erasmus Mundus (EU) Visiting Fellow, York Mgmt School (Dept. of Lab Relations), Univ of York, UK (March-June)
2023-26 Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Business, Univ. of Leeds, UK (3 years)
2023 NSTC Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Labour Research, National Chengchi University, Taipei (Oct)
2018 MOST Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Labour Research, National Chengchi University, Taipei (Nov)
2017 MOST Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Labour Research, National Chengchi University, Taipei (May)
2016 MOST Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Labour Research, National Chengchi University, Taipei (Oct)
2015 Visiting Professor, Department of Management Sciences and Decision Making, Tamkang University, Taipei (1 semester)
2009 Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of International Business, Shih Chien University, Taiwan (1 semester)
2007 Visiting Scholar, Department of Management Sciences and Decision Making, Tamkang University, Taipei (March)
Adminstrative Distinction
Other Achievements
Honouree for AACSB`s 2024 Class of Influential Leaders in Impactful Business School Research globally in Policy for producing research that positively impacts business and society (first business school faculty in India to have been honoured by AACSB)
Faculty Development Programs Attended
Courses Taught
Consultancy Undertaken
In-Company Programs
Journal Articles-Refereed
- Talluri, S.B., Balasubramanian, G. and Sarkar, Santanu. 2024. "Against the tide: A case of industrial relations transformation in the Indian coal sector", Industrial Relations Journal, 55(3): 240-263. (SSCI)
- Lai, Y. C. & Sarkar, Santanu. 2024. "The impact of the US-China trade war on Taiwanese firms` R&D investment and outward investment to technologically advanced countries", International Journal of Manpower, 45(5): 885-907. (SSCI)
- Balasubramanian, G. & Sarkar, Santanu. 2023. "The Curious Case of Judicial Interpretation and Efficiency Affecting Labour Flexibility in India", Industrial Law Journal, 52(3): 696-720. (SSCI)
- Lai, Y. C., & Sarkar, Santanu. 2022. "The role of labour unrest and skilled labour on outward foreign direct investment in Taiwan, Republic of China, ROC", Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33(2): 396-414. (SSCI)
- Lai, Y. C. & Sarkar, Santanu. 2022. "Impact of labour unrest and skilled workforce in host country on inflow of foreign direct investment – a case of Taiwan, ROC", International Journal of Manpower, 43(6): 1469-1484. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu & Chakraborty, R. 2021. "Determinants of the annual rate of change of union membership in divergent national contexts after the nations survive through major economic crisis", Employee Relations, 43(3): 644-66. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2020. "Influence of Virulent Nationalism on Proletarian Internationalism", Economic and Political Weekly, 55(36): 33-39.
- Balasubramanian, G. & Sarkar, S. 2020. "Organising experience of informal sector workers - a road less travelled", Employee Relations, 42(3):798-817. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu & Kuruvilla, S. 2020. "Constructing Transnational Solidarity: The Role of Campaign Governance", British Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(1): 27-49. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2019. "How independent is India`s labour law framework from the state`s changing economic policies?", Economic and Labour Relations Review, 30(3): 422-44. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2019. "Amalgamation of Existing Laws or Labour Reform?", Economic and Political Weekly, 54(28): 33-37.
- Sarkar, Santanu & Liu, M. C. 2019. "How the changing relationship between labour and political party influenced growth of autour unions in Taiwan", Employee Relations, 41(4): 78-77. (SSCI)
- Balasubramanian,G. & Sarkar, Santanu. 2017. "How has the dark knight risen? Chronicle of Union Revitalization from India", Employee Relations, 39(5):660-82. (SSCI)
- Lai, Y. C. & Sarkar, Santanu. 2017. "Gender equality legislation an FDI: evidence from the labour market of Taiwan, R.O.C.", International Journal of Manpower, 38(2):160-79. (SSCI)
- La, Y.C. & Sarkar, Santanu. 2016. "Effects of Parental Leave on Labor Market Outcomes in Taiwan", International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 27(5):379-403. (EI, TSSCI)
- Balasubramanian, G. & Sarkar, Santanu. 2015. "Union Revitalization: A review and a research agenda", Employment Relations Record, 15(2): 20-42.
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2015. "Murderous Violence at Work: conflict and oppression in Indian auto factories", Work organisation, labour and globalisation, 9(1):38-62.
- Sarkar, Santanu & Ghosh, A. 2014. "Functional Barriers to Workers` Co-operatives in Getting off the Ground: Synthesis of a Failed Case in India", Journal of Co-operative Studies, 47(3):6-8.
- Sarkar, Santanu & Charlwood, A. 2014. "Do cultural differences explain differences in attitudes towards unions? Culture and attitudes towards unions among call centre workers in Britain and India", Industrial Relations Journal, 45(1): 56-76. (SSCI)
- Lai, Y. C. & Sarkar, Santanu. 2013. "Labour Market Effects of Work-Sharing Arrangements in Taiwan, R.O.C.", International Journal of Manpower, 34(6): 635-57. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu & Huang, K.L. 2012. "Do cultural groups differ in their attitudes toward unions? Evidence from Indian and Taiwanese samples", Asian Business and Management, 11(4): 395-423. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2012. "Determinants of employees` attitudes toward union membership in India", Journal of World Business, 47(2): 240-50. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2009. "Foreign Direct Investment, Spillovers and Output Dispersion - The Case of India", International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 20(4): 491-503. (EI, TSSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2009. "Individualism-collectivism as predictors of BPO employee attitudes toward union membership in India", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26(1): 93-118. (SSCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2008. "Trade Unionism in Call Centre industry in India - an insight from literature", Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 51(4): 1053-64.
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2008. "Industrial Social Work to Corporate Social Responsibility: A Transformation of Priority", Journal of Human Values, 14(1): 31-48. (ESCI)
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2004. "The Struggle to be a Part: Story of Dignity of Indian Labour", Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 50(2): 347-356.
Published Research Monographs
Scholarly Books
Chapters in Scholarly books
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2017. "Possibilities and barriers of workers` co-operative: Lessons from failed takeover experience of a closed mine in Jharkhand" in S George and S Sinha (eds) Redefined Labour Spaces: Organising Workers in Post-Liberalised India, pp.296-317, Routledge: New York.
- Sarkar, Santanu. 2007. "Do cultural groups differ in their attitude towards union membership? Evidence from employees of BPO industry in India" In Labour Sector Reforms in India (Edited Volume), Sarup and Sons: New Delhi.
Conference Proceedings-Refereed
Paper Presentations-Refereed
Text Books
Research Report
Working paper
Key note presentation
2018 State of Women Workers in India. Institute for Labour Studies, National Chengchi University, Taipei, November
Published articles in newspapers/magazines
1. Sarkar, Santanu. 2024. “Ensuring Supply Chain Accountability: India’s Path to Global Export Hub”, Financial Express, July 18.
Cases developed for Teaching purpose
Other Professional Activities
Achievements in Professional activities
Chairperson/Co-Chairperson in conferences
- Labour Standards and Working Conditions, Session Chair, International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), Gottingen, Germany, 05 April 2024.
- Labour and Ecological Transition: A Moral Economy? Session Chair, International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), Gottingen, Germany, 04 April 2024.
- Conference Chairperson, International Industrial Relations Conference, XLRI, 08-09 January 2024.
- Track Chair (People Issues in Management), Indian Academy of Management Conference (INDAM), GIM, January 2024.
- Track Chair (HRM), Indian Academy of Management Conference (INDAM), NMIMS, January 2023.
- Self Employment, Session Chair, International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), Padua, Italy, 23 April 2022.
- Precarious work and labour in the Global South, Session Chair, International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), Greenwich, UK, 13 April 2021.
- Work-from-home at the time of COVID, Panelist, Annual Conf of Assoc of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia & New Zealand (AIRAANZ), Sydney, 3 Feb 2021.
- International Conference in Management Science and Decision Making (ICMSDM), Taipei, May 2008-19.
Co-ordinating/Organizing Workshop/Conferences /MDPs
Contribution towards Institution building/ development/ services such as Chairperson (Placement) etc
Guide/evaluator/ examiner at doctoral research level
Invited to deliver Keynote addresses/ speeches
Membership of Professional Bodies
Participation in Workshops/Conferences/Forums/ Meetings etc
Professional Services such as Member/Editor of Editorial Board/ Advisory Committee etc
Associate Editor, Employee Relations [2023 onwards]
Chair, James G. Scoville Best International Paper Award Committee, Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) [2024-27]
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Employee Relations [2018-23]
Member, Editorial Board, Management and Labour Studies
Member, James G. Scoville Best International Paper Award Committee, Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) [2019-24]
Member (Elected), Executive Committee, Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) [2021-24]
Advisor, Kaohsiung Independent Trade Union, Taiwan
Advisor, Taiwan Southern Group Workers`Union, Taiwan
Consultant, National Chinese Seamen`s Union, Taiwan
Reviewer/Referee in Journals/ Conferences etc
- Industrial and Labor Relations Review
- Journal of Management Studies
- Employee Relations
- Economic and Labour Relations Review
- Academy of Management Annual Conference
- European International Business Academy Conference
- Vikalpa
Visiting Faculty
Research Project Undertaken