Dr Abhishek Chakraborty
Qualification : M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (University of Calcutta); Fellow Program in Management - (IIM Calcutta- Operations Management)
Email : abhishekc@xlri.ac.in
Functional Area : Production, Operations & Decision Sciences
Languages Known : Bengali, Hindi, English
Professional Software Knowledge : R, LINGO, Maxima, DEAP
Brief Profile
I did my Fellow Program in Management from IIM Calcutta in the area of Operations Management with Economics being my minor area. The title of my thesis was "Perspectives in Supply Chain Coordination and Supply Chain Efficiency". Prior to joining IIM Calcutta for my doctoral program, I did my M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Calcutta, securing 2nd rank. My specialization was Optimization Techniques and Operations Research with an elective paper in Mathematical Economics. After completing my doctorate, I joined Corporate with JDA Software (a leading firm in the Supply Chain Consulting domain) as a Senior Business Consultant in the domain of Strategic Services. At JDA, I was trained in multiple tools like JDA Demand (used for Demand Forecasting), JDA Sales and Operations Planning, JDA Inventory Optimization, and JDA Supply Chain Planner (used for Aggregate Production Planning and Materials Requirement Planning).
My research interests include Supply Chain Management and Applications of Game Theory in the context of Supply Chain Management. I have also started taking an interest in the application of Operations Research and Statistics in Sports.
My hobbies mainly include Quizzing, Watching Football (Liverpool FC supporter), and analyzing elections.
ORCID Id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7910-8123
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dp2hoXsAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Twitter: https://twitter.com/abhishekc_1983
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishek-chakraborty-3638139/
Total Experience (in months)
159 (as on 03-JAN-25)
Experience Detail
Assistant Systems Engineer, TCS (Aug 2006-June 2008) 21 months
Senior Business Consultant (Strategic Services), JDA Software (May 2013- May 2014) 12 months
Dr Abhishek Chakraborty
Achievements and Research Interest/Area of Research Interests
Academic Distinction (Awards and Scholarships)
- Qualified For National Eligibility Test (Mathematical Sciences, 2005-06) and shortlisted for Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship
- 2nd Rank holder in M.Sc. Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta
Adminstrative Distinction
Chairperson of the ICT at XLRI (2019 June to 2022 May)
Convenor of the Ranking Advisory Committee (2024 June to till date)
Chairperson PODS Area (2024 June to till date)
Other Achievements
Member of the Task Group at ISO for Terminology for Cold Chain Logistics (ISO-TC 315)
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Coordination and Contracts
Game Theory in Supply Chains
Digital Supply Chain Management
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Operations Research in Sports
Faculty Development Programs Attended
Courses Taught
- Operations Management I (Core, B M XLRI)
- Operations Management II (Core, B M XLRI)
- Production Management (Core, HRM XLRI)
- Operations Management II (Core, PGDM (PART-TIME) XLRI)
- Management Analytics (Core, GLOBAL MBA XLRI)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Core, PGCBM XLRI)
- Integrated Course [Case Based] (Core, GMP XLRI)
- Regression Techniques (Core, PGCBAMD XLRI)
- Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions (Core, GMP XLRI)
- Methods and Techniques for Business Data Analysis (Core, PGDM (PART-TIME) XLRI)
- Demand and Business Forecasting (Elective, PGDM (PART-TIME) XLRI)
- Demand and Business Forecasting (Elective, BM XLRI)
- Demand Forecasting (Elective, GMP XLRI)
- Supply Chain Management (Elective, GMP XLRI)
- Supply Chain Management (Elective, BM XLRI)
- Advanced Optimization Tools and Techniques (Elective, EFPM XLRI)
Consultancy Undertaken
- Evaluation of State Finances for Jharkhand for the XVth Finance Commission
- Evaluation of State Finances for Jharkhand for the XVIth Finance Commission (Report Submitted)
In-Company Programs
- Managerial and Leadership Competencies for Executive Excellence, Sponsoring Organization: Exide Industries Limited, In-company Year 2015 (4 batches, 1 session each)
- Materials Management: Sponsoring Organization Apollo Hospitals, In-company Year 2015 (1 batch, 10 sessions)
- Leadership Competencies for Effective Managerial Performance: Sponsoring Organization INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD., In-company Year 2018 (1 batch, 2 sessions)
- 2-Week Induction Program for OFFICERS (F&A and HR&A Wings) Sponsoring Organization: WBSEDCL, In-company Year 2019-23 (4 batches, 2 sessions each & 1 batch 4 sessions)
- Foundation Course in General Management: Sponsoring Organization NTPC, In-company Year 2019 (2 batches, 2 sessions each)
- MDP for Individual Excellence (L & T), 2021-24 (20 batches, 4 sessions each)
Journal Articles-Refereed
Chakraborty, A., & Mandal, P. (2021). Channel Efficiency and Retailer Tier dominance in a Supply Chain with a Common Manufacturer. European Journal of Operational Research. [ABDC-A*, ABS/AJG-4]
- Chakraborty, A., & Chatterjee, A. K. (2016). A surcharge pricing scheme for supply chain coordination under JIT environment. European Journal of Operational Research, 253(1), 14-24 [ABDC- A*, ABS/AJG-4]
- Verma, N. K., Chakraborty, A., & Chatterjee, A. K. (2014). Joint replenishment of multi retailer with variable replenishment cycle under VMI. European Journal of Operational Research, 233(3), 787-789. [ABDC- A*, ABS/AJG-4]
- Kumar, R. R., Chakraborty, A., & Mandal, P. (2021). Promoting electric vehicle adoption: Who should invest in charging infrastructure?. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 149, 102295. [ABDC- A*, ABS/AJG-3]
- Srivastava, A., Kumar, R. R., Chakraborty, A., Mateen, A., Narayanamurthy, G. (2022). Design and selection of government policies for electric vehicles adoption: A global perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 161, 102726. [ABDC- A*, ABS/AJG-3].
- Chakraborty, A., Chatterjee, A. K., & Mateen, A. (2015). A vendor-managed inventory scheme as a supply chain coordination mechanism. International Journal of Production Research, 53(1), 13-24. [ABDC- A, AJG/ABS-3]
- Chakraborty, A., Kumar, R. R., & Bhaskar, K. (2020). A game-theoretic approach for electric vehicle adoption and policy decisions under different market structures. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-18. [ABDC- A, ABS/AJG- 3]
- Mandal, P., Jain, T., & Chakraborty, A. (2021). Quality collaboration contracts under product pricing strategies. Annals of Operations Research, 1-34. [ABDC- A, ABS/AJG-3]
- Sarangi, S., Chakraborty, A., & Triantis, K. P. (2021). Multimarket competition effects on product line decisions–A multi-objective decision model in fast moving consumer goods industry. Journal of Business Research, 133, 388-398. [ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-3]
R. R. Kumar, F. T. S. Chan, A. Chakraborty & M. Goswami, Driving Electric Mobility Considering Manufacturers’ Power Asymmetry in Presence of the Government`s Policy Instruments,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. [ABDC-A, ABS/AJG-3]
- Chakraborty, A., Mateen, A., Chatterjee, A. K., & Haldar, N. (2018). Relative power in supply chains: Impact on channel efficiency & contract design. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 122, 202-210. [ABDC- A, ABS/AJG-2]
- Kumar, R. R., Guha, P., & Chakraborty, A. (2021). Comparative assessment and selection of electric vehicle diffusion models: A global outlook. Energy, 121932. [Scimago Q1]
- Naimpally, A., Jha, J. K., & Chakraborty, A. (2023). Furthering innovation management via mutual amplification of vertical and horizontal fit: analysis of a case study. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. [ABDC- B, ABS/AJG-1]
- Ghosh, A., Chakraborty, A., Saha, S., & Mahanti, A. (2012). Cloud computing in Indian higher education. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 1(2), 85-95. [ABDC- C, AJG/ABS-2]
- Chakraborty, A., Verma, N. K., & Chatterjee, A. K. (2022). A Single Supplier Multi Buyer Supply Chain Coordination under Vendor-managed Inventory: Ensuring Buyers’ Interests in a Decentralized Setting. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 22779752211072934. [ABDC- C, AJG/ABS-2].
- Chakraborty, A. (2021). A surcharge pricing policy for supply chain coordination under the just-in-time (JIT) environment in the presence of backordering. OPSEARCH, 1-28. [ABDC- C, ABS/AJG- 1].
- Chatterjee, A. K., Mateen, A., & Chakraborty, A. (2015). On the equivalence of some supply chain coordination models. OPSEARCH, 52(2), 392-400. [ABDC- C, ABS/AJG- 1]
- Sharma, V., Raj, A., & Chakraborty, A. (2022). Analysis of power dynamics in sustainable supply chain under non-linear demand setup. Operations Management Research, 1-15. [ABDC- C, ABS/AJG- 1]
- Srivastava, A., Chakraborty, A., & Mateen, A. (2022). Role of power imbalance on channel coordination under greening investments. OPSEARCH, 1-33.
- Bhattacharjee, D., & Chakraborty, A. (2018). "Breathing Room" for bowlers: on scrapping of batting powerplay from 50 overs cricket, Sport Science: International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology, Issue 2-2018, pp 46-53. [Scimago Q3/Q4]
- Bang, V., Chakraborty, A., & Chakraborty, A. (2022). DO SPINNERS MATTER IN THE POWERPLAY OF TWENTY20 (T20) CRICKET? EVIDENCE FROM IPL. Sport Science: International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology, Issue 2- 2022, pp 18-22. [Scimago Q3/Q4].
- Kumar, C., Vijayraghavan, T.A.S., Chakraborty, A., Thompson, R.G. (2017). Effect of Time Windows Regulations on Product Cost: An Urban Case Study of Carbonated Beverage Delivery. Annals of Management Science. 5(2).
Published Research Monographs
Scholarly Books
Chapters in Scholarly books
Conference Proceedings-Refereed
1. Chakraborty, A., & Chatterjee, A. K. (2012, September). A reverse discount model for dynamic demands. In XVI Latin-Ibero-American Conference on Operations Research, Rio de Janeiro.
2. Kumar, C., Vijayaraghavan, T., Chakraborty, A., & Thompson, R. G. (2018). Urban Freight Regulations: How much they cost the consumers?. Transportation Research Procedia, 30, 373-383.
Paper Presentations-Refereed
Text Books
Research Report
1. Evaluation of State Finances: Jharkhand - 15th Finance Commission (https://fincomindia.nic.in/writereaddata/html_en_files/fincom15/StudyReports/11.pdf)
Working paper
Key note presentation
Published articles in newspapers/magazines
Cases developed for Teaching purpose
Other Professional Activities
Achievements in Professional activities
Chairperson/Co-Chairperson in conferences
Co-ordinating/Organizing Workshop/Conferences /MDPs
Part of the group responsible for coordinating the Math Sports Asia Conference, 2018 held at XLRI
Contribution towards Institution building/ development/ services such as Chairperson (Placement) etc
Guide/evaluator/ examiner at doctoral research level
Member of the Thesis advisory committee of 3 students (Chitresh Kumar, 2016; Subrat Sarangi, 2018; Cledwyn Fernandez, 2022)
Chairman of the Thesis advisory committee of 2 students (Rajeev Ranjan Kumar, 2021; Subrata Kumar Nandi, 2023)
Invited to deliver Keynote addresses/ speeches
Membership of Professional Bodies
Participation in Workshops/Conferences/Forums/ Meetings etc
Participated & presented at XIX Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management at IIM Calcutta
Participated & presented at XXII Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management at IIM Kozhikode
- Participated & presented at Math Sports Asia Conference, 2018 at XLRI
Professional Services such as Member/Editor of Editorial Board/ Advisory Committee etc
Reviewer/Referee in Journals/ Conferences etc
European Journal of Operational Research
- Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Journal of Operational Research Society
International Journal of Production Research
Computers and Industrial Engineering
Visiting Faculty
Research Project Undertaken